Companion-Book-Bundle: God Sings! and Grace Works!
GOD SINGS! (And Ways We Think He Ought To) and GRACE WORKS! (And Ways We Think It Doesn't) are companion books, Grace Works! primarily exposing the way the church corrupts the gospel from within her own ranks; we don't need outside assassins. God Sings! exposes ways we make idols of how we prefer to worship, especially in our music. God Sings! is a book that brings together many of the things I have been writing and speaking about for twenty years (beginning with the Mr Pipes books). In God Sings I compare and contrast the biblical and historic ethos of worship in the Church for two millenia with the entertainment ethos of the last generation or so. Here's what one reviewer says about the book:
“If, as the Bible tells us, the Spirit-filled life is expressed in the singing of ‘psalms, hymns and spiritual songs’ (Eph.5:19), it is surely vital to know how best we should do that. In God Sings!, Douglas Bond provides us with a sure, biblically faithful and robustly theological guide to thoughtful, God-centered, Christ-exalting, gospel-magnifying praise. In an evangelical world increasingly noted more for triviality than substance, God Sings! is a clarion call to the church to give God the praise of which he alone is worthy.”
DR. IAN HAMILTON teaches Pastoral Theology at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary; and Historical Theology at Westminster Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Newcastle, England; and is a Trustee of the Banner of Truth Trust
Here's what Michael Horton says about Grace Works!:
“Anyone familiar with Douglas Bond’s other works will know him as a great storyteller. This book is about the greatest story of all: the gospel. Issuing from the faith of a recipient of God’s good news and the care of a shepherd, any wounds inflicted here will be those of a friend. Grace is not the enemy of works but the only proper source. It’s amazing how many ways we can get that wrong—usually, as Doug argues, by incremental and often imperceptible changes. There is a lot of wisdom in this book, but none greater than the wisdom that Christ is and gives us in his gospel.” — Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California