Guns of Providence
Vol. III in the Faith and Freedom Trilogy
Guns of Providence moves ahead a generation, and opens with the siege of Boston in 1775. Sandy M'Kethe, great-great grandson of the patriarch in Duncan's War, is befriended by African-American hero of Bunker Hill, Salem Poor. Ready yourself for a flurry of historical conflicts on land and sea, and in Sandy's heart and mind.
"Douglas Bond offers a ringside seat on the War for Independence... a historian with unusual insight." Russ Pulliam, Indianapolis Star
"A tale of America’s revolutionary beginning, told with strength and truth—engaging, accurate, and free of political correctness. Here Providence is actively at work in the lives of the honorable commander George Washington and the gospel-believing patriots. Take up and read!" Dr. Peter A. Lillback, President, The Providence Forum, Author of George Washington's Sacred Fire