Hey, I Read Your Book!
"Hey, I read your book!"
I've lost count how many times I've heard that from people I meet. It's a little embarrassing for them (and seems a bit self-serving for me) if I reply by asking, which one? That was a completely accurate thing to say twenty-one years ago (though there were obviously many fewer people who had reason to say it back then). But with gift giving upon us, and with our Christmas Buy-3-Get-1-Free special, I thought I would post a timeline showing where my books fit in history.

“Douglas Bond is a historian with unusual insight.” Russ Pulliam, Indianapolis Star
GOD’S SERVANT JOB—circa 1473 B.C.
THE TRUTH ABOUT RUTH—1011-931 B.C. (Forthcoming)
HOSTAGE LANDS -- 3rd century Roman Britain
HAND OF VENGEANCE -- 8th century Anglo-Saxon
THE ACCIDENTAL VOYAGE -- 2nd-13th century Europe
THE REVOLT -- 14th century England, John Wycliffe (adult and mature young adult readers)
GIROLAMO SAVONAROLA Heart Aflame -- 15th century Italy
HAMMER OF THE HUGUENOTS--1560s, Renaissance Reformation France
LUTHER IN LOVE – 16th century Reformation, Life of Martin Luther (adult and mature young adult readers)
THE BETRAYAL -- 16th century Reformation, Life of John Calvin (adult and mature readers)
THE THUNDER -- 16th century Reformation, Life of John Knox (adult and mature readers)
(3) CROWN & COVENANT TRILOGY --1666-1681, Scotland/England

THE HOBGOBLINS, a novel on John Bunyan—1628-1688, English Civil War
AUGUSTUS TOPLADY Debtor to Mercy Alone – 18th c.
(3) FAITH & FREEDOM TRILOGY -- 1740-1779, American colonies, War for Independence, and Jacobite Rebellion
MR PIPES & PSALMS AND HYMNS OF THE REFORMATION -- 16th and 17th century Europe
MR. PIPES & THE BRITISH HYMN MAKERS -- 17th-19th century England/Scotland/Wales
MR. PIPES COMES TO AMERICA --17th-20th century America
MODERN HEROES, with Joel Beeke (Forthcoming)
THE BATTLE OF SEATTLE – 1850s PNW Puget Sound Indian War
WAR IN THE WASTELAND – 1914-1918 World War I (CS Lewis in WWI, embedded Christian apologetics)
THE RESISTANCE--1944 World War II (CS Lewis, the BBC voice of faith in WWII)
GOD SINGS! (And Ways We Think He Ought To) - contrasts the biblical ethos of worship with the entertainment ethos; evaluates both the content of what we sing and how we sing it in congregational worship; for families, homeschool, Christian school Bible classes, small groups, Sunday School classes.
GRACE WORKS! (And Ways We Think It Doesn’t) – traces ways we corrupt the gospel throughout church history, with study guide for families, homeschool, Christian school Bible classes, small groups, Sunday School classes.
STAND FAST and HOLD FAST – Devotions for fathers and sons to read together with study guide

Order 3 author-signed books at bondbooks.net and we will pay domestic shipping and throw in a free copy of GOD SINGS!